Adviceline Freephone
0808 278 7808
Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm

Email Us

You can email us for advice by using the following form.

Please note that we are only funded to advise people who live or study in Cambridge City or South Cambridgeshire.

If you are not in our area, please do not use this form – instead, you can find your local Citizens Advice here.

Please also note that we are receiving a large number of email enquiries and it is likely to take us some time to respond. If your enquiry is urgent, please call our Adviceline on 08082 787808.

We will need to record information about you to help with your enquiry. Please give us as much information as possible so we can answer your question effectively. Please understand that we may reply asking for further details before we are able to give advice.

Our Client Agreement explains what you can expect from us and what we expect from you when you get advice from us.

Email Enquiry
Yes, I consent to you holding information on my:
I agree to be contacted by national Citizens Advice or its trusted research partner for feedback about the service I have received
I agree that Cambridge Citizens Advice can contact third parties on my behalf and share my data where this will help solve my problem
Depending on your query, it may be better for us to call you about your situation. Are you happy for us to do this?
I consent to be contacted by text
I consent to receive voicemail
Please upload any relevant images or document files

Maximum file size: 516MB

Your Health or Disability
Disability/Health Problems (select as many as applicable)
Marital Status (select one)
Household Type (select one)
Housing Type
Employment Status (select one)
Monthly Household Income - including Benefits (select one)
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