Adviceline Freephone
0808 278 7808
Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm

Volunteer Application Form

Thank you for your interest in applying to volunteer with us at Citizens Advice Cambridge.

There are three sections to the form on this page:

  1.  Volunteer Application. This section is for you tell us who you are, why you want to volunteer and how we can help you volunteer.
  2. Diversity Monitoring Information. This section helps us to understand the background of people who want to volunteer with us. This section is mandatory but you may withhold any information you do not wish to share. The information you choose to share will be separated from your application and will not be used to determine the outcome of your application.
  3. Declaration and Submission. Please note that your application will not be submitted until you have pressed ‘Submit Form’ at the bottom of the form.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form and we hope you’ll be volunteering with us soon!

Volunteer Recruitment is currently on hold, please check back regularly for updates.

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